Author Archives: Smilecraft Dental Care

What happens in an e-consultation?

Sometimes you just don’t have time to get to the dentist, but you have something about your teeth that is beginning to worry you. Maybe it feels like a crown or a filling is coming loose. Or is that toothache a symptom of an infection? Or perhaps it feels like you’ve got a chip or a crack.

Dental E-Consultation

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to consult the dentist here at Smilecraft in Stevenage without having to take time off work? Well, there is with the e-consultation on our website.

The e-consultation is a quick way to find out if you need to come in for further investigation. All you have to do is fill in the form here, telling us your name and contact details. Then you upload a selfie of your mouth, making sure that the picture features a clear image of what’s wrong, and then fill in the box describing what the issue is.

Our principal dentist, Dr Bradley Abrahams can then take a look at the picture and your information and get back to you with a quick idea of what’s going on and whether you need treatment.

Who can use the e-consultation?

Any of our patients are welcome to use the e-consultation facility. We find it works really well for those who have a long way to travel to see us, as well as for those who are very busy.

It’s also a great way for nervous patients to make first contact with us. We will get back to you and let you know if you need to come in for treatment, and we can also talk to you about options to make sure that you are able to relax as much as possible when you do come in.

Want a smile upgrade?

E-consultations are also a great way to find out if you would benefit from cosmetic dental treatments. Just send us a selfie of your smile, tell us what you’re unhappy about it, and we’ll send back a few suggestions of ways to improve how your smile looks.

Don’t forget, an e-consultation does not replace the face-to-face consultation and you will have to have one before we move onto treatment.

Treatment for oral health

Looking after your oral health is an important part of life. While your tooth-brushing routine helps you to keep your teeth clean at home, visiting the dentist in Stevenage is an essential part of good all-round care. Here at Smilecraft, we provide a full range of contemporary treatments for all aspects of your oral health. Whatever your current dental concerns, we’re always able to offer something that will move you towards a better dental future.

Looking deeper

Dentist in Stevenage

You don’t have to feel like there’s something wrong with your teeth before you book an appointment with the dentist in Stevenage. Having regular check-ups gives us the chance to examine your mouth for signs of deterioration. With our professional experience and modern technology, we are able to notice indications of decay and disease well before you’d see them at home. Then we can tell you how to change your hygiene habits in order to avoid discomfort further down the line.

Of course, many patients do visit the dentist in Stevenage to address those dental issues that tend to arise sooner or later in one’s life. Advanced dental decay often results in the need for fillings. We can repair your decayed teeth using tooth-coloured material, so that you gain a functional improvement without any unwanted visual evidence.

As an experienced cosmetic dentist in Stevenage, we can improve those visual aspects of your teeth that may have taken a turn for the worse. Teeth whitening is a popular option in this area. You may notice your teeth have turned an unsightly colour over the years, as food and drink leave behind traces on the enamel surfaces of your teeth. These traces build up into stains that are difficult for you to remove by yourself. Visiting the Stevenage dentist for teeth whitening treatment means you can choose the precise level of brightness you’d like to apply to your smile. The procedure is speedy and comfortable, and can improve your feelings about your overall appearance.


The dentist in Stevenage will care for your oral health in many different ways. Our experienced team will make the whole family feel welcome and relaxed, whatever their age.

Great teamwork for great teeth

Remember the days when the doctor and the dentist seemed almost godlike in their status? When you came for a check-up, you didn’t ask questions and the dentist in Stevenage didn’t tell you anymore than they thought you needed to know. The rest of the time, they just spoke to the dental nurse in a mixture of complex dental terminology and a strange code of numbers and letters.

Dentist in Stevenage

Thankfully, those days are long gone. Here at Smilecraft, we see our role as your dentist in Stevenage as being part of a team, one that you are in too. Together, we work to make sure that your teeth will last for as long as possible, in as good a condition as possible. Our mantra is teeth for life.

The check-up

This is the basis of our part of the teamwork. We need to check your teeth over twice a year to catch the early signs of problems such as tooth decay and gum disease. Both of these can result in tooth loss. Another thing we are on the lookout for is any possible sign of oral cancer before it gets serious.

If we do find a problem, we like to treat it early, when treatment is less invasive and less expensive for you.

The hygiene session

Part of the check-up process is a scale and polish to remove any plaque or tartar (plaque that has hardened). Both give off acids that lead to decay and gum disease, so you need to get them removed to protect your teeth. Also, they feel great afterwards.

At home

Your part of the teamwork is to carry out your twice-daily hygiene routine. Brush for 2 minutes with a soft-bristled brush and a fluoride toothpaste. Floss once a day to remove plaque and trapped food from between your teeth. Some people also use interdental brushes and mouthwashes.

If we work together, every trip to the dentist in Stevenage can be just a quick check over and the all-clear until next time. That’ll leave us time for a chat and for us to answer questions. You know, like team mates do.

Shaping up for a lovely smile

Never has it been so easy and so important to have a great smile. Your smile is your number one fashion accessory, in use all day, every day. It’s also your most important non-verbal tool of communication. You will get far more wear out of your smile than that new ultra-expensive handbag, and you will reach more people with it than with the latest version of your phone.

Dentist in Stevenage

Why not invest some time and money in one of the things you will wear all day, every day for the rest of your life: your smile. Here at Smilecraft, your dentist in Stevenage, we have a great range of tried and tested treatments to upgrade every aspect of your smile.

Whether you are unhappy with your smile in general, or there’s just one tiny imperfection that’s been niggling at you for years, we can find the treatment for you. And, if you aren’t quite sure what you need, you can come in for a consultation with the dentist in Stevenage. We can put together a package of cosmetic treatments that will turn your smile into a thing of beauty that harmonises with your mouth and face. Just ask for a smile makeover consultation when you call.

Colour change

Having white teeth is important these days. And yet, we also consume plenty of things that stain. If you like coffee, tea, red wine or berries, they will be leaving traces of pigment in your enamel. We can lift the stains out and lighten your enamel colour with teeth whitening treatments, either in the clinic or as a take-home kit.

Minor imperfections

Veneers and cosmetic bonding cover over imperfections such as worn edges, tiny gaps, slight misalignments and discolourations that don’t respond to whitening. Veneers are made of dental porcelain, and cosmetic bonding is done using composite resin. Both are robust materials that can last for a decade if you take good care of them.

Hidden history

Hide away your history of tooth decay with white fillings instead of amalgam. White fillings use composite resin and can be sculpted to give you back your chewing surfaces.

Want to know more? Why not give the dentist in Stevenage a call?

Direct Access and why you should see a dental hygienist

Sometimes having to wait until your next check-up before you can see the hygienist is having to wait too long. Perhaps you have an important occasion coming up, or you have started dating, or you have restorations in your mouth that feel like they are building up a thick layer of plaque. At times like this, it’s nice to be able to see the hygienist for a scale and polish, even if you aren’t due an appointment for quite a while.

Dental Hygienist in Stevenage

Did you know that since 2013, it’s possible to see the hygienist without having to see the dentist first? The General Dental Council changed the rules for hygienists, having decided that patient safety would not be put at risk if they got their teeth cleaned without first having a check-up.

It makes sense to allow people direct access to the hygienist because having plaque professionally removed can only improve your oral health.

Plaque, that layer of sticky bacteria that builds up on your teeth between brushings, is responsible for tooth decay and gum disease. It gives off acids that corrode tooth enamel, creating the holes through which decay and infection can enter.

Acids from plaque also attack the gums, inflaming and irritating them, causing them to become red and to bleed. As gum disease advances, the gums pull away from the teeth and then plaque can get underneath them and start corroding tooth roots, which have no enamel to protect them, and also the bone around the teeth.

Left untreated, both decay and gum disease lead to tooth loss, often via painful infection.

Help with removing plaque and tartar

Even if you carry out your diligent twice-daily brushing and daily flossing to remove plaque and tartar, there are bound to be some nooks and crannies that you can’t get at. Plaque in those places hardens into tartar, a chalky substance that won’t respond to brushing, but still gives off acids, right onto your teeth and gums.

The only way to get rid of this is to see the dental hygienist here at Smilecraft in Stevenage. So, come on in whenever you feel the need for a scale and polish.

Things you might not know about your dentist

Many of us only visit the dentist in Stevenage when we need a check-up or specific treatment. A lot of the time, this means we don’t bother to investigate what else the dentist can do for us. At Smilecraft Dental Care, we can help with all sorts of things, from jaw joint problems to pain-free dentistry with The Wand. 

Dentist in Stevenage


You might not be aware, but your dentist in Stevenage can help with snoring problems. If your partner’s snoring is seriously disrupting your sleep, try to persuade them to come and talk to us. Or maybe sleep apnoea is disturbing your sleep, making you tired and irritable during the day. Custom-made mouthpieces can help with these problems by holding the bottom jaw in a slightly forward position. This helps to open up the airway, allowing clear breathing and a better night’s sleep.

Jaw joint problems

Do you wake up with a headache, a stiff or aching jaw, or even neck or shoulder pain? It could be caused by a problem with your temporomandibular joint. This joint, connecting the lower jaw and the skull, can cause pain and discomfort if there is a problem. This can be caused by a misalignment of the jaws, which can be treated with an appliance you wear at night.

Painless injections with The Wand

If you, like many people, feel nervous about getting an anaesthetic injection at the dentist in Stevenage, then have no fear. We can now offer our patients The Wand – an innovative system to deliver anaesthetic without the anxiety of an old-fashioned injection. The computer unit and hand-held wand don’t even look anything like a syringe. When you have an injection, it is the sudden rush of liquid into a confined area that causes the ‘bee-sting’ discomfort. With The Wand, the anaesthetic is delivered slowly and smoothly, eliminating the pain.

Mouth cancer screening?

Did you know that we screen you for mouth cancer when you come in for a check-up? The dentist checks your mouth for any lumps or lesions that could be signs of cancer. Early detection gives you a greater chance of successful treatment.

Options for replacing lost teeth

Not many of us get to the end of our lives with all our natural teeth intact, so it’s good to know that at the dentist in Stevenage there are ways to replace teeth to suit every situation and every budget.

Dentist in Stevenage

Some of us get teeth knocked out in an accident, often sports-related, when we have decades more chewing to do. Others lose teeth in mid-life as they crumble away from years of night-time tooth grinding. Others lose them in later life as the fight against gum disease is lost. Whichever way you are losing your teeth, it’s a distressing experience, and it’s time now to focus on how to replace them.


You can get dentures whether you have lost some or all of your teeth. This method of tooth replacement features crowns attached to a hard-wearing material. If you have lost all your teeth, the denture stays in place by adhering to your gums. If you need to replace only some of your teeth, the crowns are fitted to a plate that rests behind your remaining teeth. Dentures take a bit of getting used to and you have to be careful to keep them clean.

Fixed bridgework

The dentist in Stevenage can use fixed bridgework to replace one or more teeth in a row. It is called a bridge because it is fixed to the teeth on either side of the gap for support. These 2 teeth are ground down and buttress crowns go over them. The bridge is usually made of a precious metal and coloured to blend in with your teeth.

As with dentures, you need to take good care to keep the bridge clean so that you don’t get bad breath or gum disease.

Dental implants

Dental implants are now most people’s first choice when they come to the dentist in Stevenage to replace lost teeth. Dental implants replace the tooth roots with screws or posts that are inserted into the jaw for stability. One implant can support up to 3 crowns on a bridge. They can also be used to make dentures more stable.

Need more information? Come on in for a chat.

White fillings at the dentist in Stevenage

Have you ever thought about replacing your amalgam fillings with white fillings? Getting white fillings is on many people’s dental ‘to do’ list for a few good reasons. Here at Smilecraft, we love seeing the change in how teeth look once all that grey has been removed and replaced with something that blends in with the teeth.

Dentist in Stevenage


Many patients are increasingly concerned with having a smile that looks great, and so having white fillings becomes a natural part of that. You can either have white fillings put in when you have a new cavity, or you can get old amalgam fillings replaced. The dentist in Stevenage can replace them individually as old fillings begin to fail, or as a job lot in a couple of appointments.


One problem with amalgam fillings is that, although we pack the cavity tightly, there is no seal around the edge of it. This means that there is always the chance that decay-causing bacteria can get in underneath the filling and cause more decay. White fillings, on the other hand, are bonded to the tooth, so there is no chance of bacteria getting in.


Amalgam fillings require more healthy tooth material to be removed. This can put stresses on the tooth and cause it to crack. The dentist in Stevenage does not need to remove so much healthy tooth material when white fillings are used, so the sides of the tooth are stronger.


Another big plus with white fillings from the dentist in Stevenage is that we can give you back your chewing surfaces. White fillings are built up in layers, with each layer being cured with a UV light before the next one is put in. When the final layer is in and hardened, we can sculpt the surface of the filling to recreate the mounds and valleys of the chewing surface. This makes the filling more realistic and gives you back full chewing ability.


Sadly, white fillings are not available on the NHS. The price for a filling depends on its size and starts at £109. However, we do offer payment plans which offer an affordable way to pay for your treatments.

The Wand: it’s like magic

No one likes being made to feel pain, and most of us will do our best to avoid it. We sneak carefully around stinging nettles. We do strange little jigs around bees and wasps. We avoid going for check-ups at the dentist.

Wait! Rewind! That last one is not such a good idea. It’s also based on a premise that is fast becoming obsolete.

Whereas in your parents’ day, going to the dentist could entail pain from teeth being drilled, these days we have much more access to local anaesthesia and it’s a rare dentist who will insist on you having treatment without being numbed first.

We know what you are going to say next. You’re going to say that just having the local anaesthetic hurts. It hurts when the needle goes in and then it hurts when the liquid anaesthetic is injected into your gums and palette.

Well, that may be true at some dentists, but not here at Smilecraft in Stevenage because we have The Wand.

Never heard of The Wand? Then let us tell you all about it. By the time we’ve finished, you may not be actually clamouring for an anaesthetic, but if we need to give you one, you aren’t going to mind at all.

Why do stings hurt?

This is the question that dental researchers asked themselves when they were trying to work out ways to deliver injections without pain. Turns out, it’s not actually the needle entering the skin that causes pain, it’s when too much liquid goes into the cells too fast and they feel like they are going to burst.

What is The Wand?

The Wand is a computer-controlled way of delivering local anaesthetic. It looks more like a pen that a syringe. The computer injects small amounts of liquid at just the right pace so that the cells never feel like they are going to burst, and there is no pain.

You won’t feel a thing. You may even find yourself asking us if we have started with the injections yet.

So, don’t be scared any more. If you’d like to see The Wand, do ask next time you are in for a check-up. It’s a great gadget.

When your dentist in Stevenage becomes Dumbledore

Taking your children to the dentist for regular hygiene appointments creates a lifelong positive relationship between them and their dental health. However, if your child is facing more extensive treatment, involving possible injections, you and they may be feeling anxious.

Dentist in Stevenage

At Smilecraft we have invested in the latest technology in anaesthesia application. Instead of an injection we now use a wand. The wand is an evolution of the syringe, allowing for greater accuracy and ease of use. The wand is similar to a pen and can be used to apply a small amount of anaesthesia to a localised area. Our dentists are able to work in a much more relaxed manner as they can use the wand in a refined way, allowing for precision during treatments.

Some patients, when they have received an injection from the wand, are not aware that it has occurred, commenting “Has it happened yet?”. You can imagine the impact this has on nervous patients, especially if they are frightened of needles. This approach reduces anxiety and allows for greater relaxation. In addition, for children it removes any possibility of having a difficult experience. Your dentist in Stevenage is now even more child friendly.

No more numb mouth

Thanks to the precision of application, only the area that is being worked on will be numbed. If you have had injections previously, part of the difficulty of receiving treatment is the numb mouth and tongue afterwards. This numbing can make eating difficult and patients sometimes need to take time of from work. Equally, if a child has an injection that leads to this numbing, the whole process can feel more invasive and traumatic. Thanks to the localised application, any patient, including your child will leave their dentist in Stevenage, with full feeling in their mouth, lips and tongue.

Finding the latest technologies and techniques that can improve patient experience is at the heart of our practice at Smilecraft, bringing innovation to preventative dentistry through to restoration of your smile. Although our dentists may not be wearing pointy hats and long grey coats, they are nonetheless wielding a wand, whilst looking after you and your family’s oral wellbeing.