Author Archives: Smilecraft Dental Care

You are not a shark

The shark has got it made when it comes to teeth. No shark ever has to worry about decay or gaps because they have an endless supply of teeth waiting to replace any that get broken or fall out. Sharks’ teeth don’t have any roots. In fact, some species of shark get through about 50,000 teeth in their lifetime.

Preventive Dentistry for Kids in StevenageHumans are different from sharks. Nature supplies us with one set of adult teeth, with roots. When they’re gone, they’re gone. That’s why it’s very important that we teach our kids to take really good care of them.

And we don’t appear to be doing a very good job. Tooth decay among the children of the UK is still very high, no doubt because of the amount of sugar in their diets. A survey in September 2014 found that 12% of three-year-olds had cavities. Kids get a particular kind of decay that shows up on the front teeth and then spreads rapidly. It is caused by drinking sugary drinks from a spouted cup when children are being weaned. Scary stuff, and totally avoidable if you bring your child to the dentist for regular check-ups.

At Smilecraft, we are hot on preventive dentistry for kids in Stevenage. We check your children’s teeth very carefully for decay from the time they first appear. This is when we recommend you start bringing your child in for check-ups. We also recommend that you bring them in before that. Allowing them to tag along to your own appointments or those of older siblings, gets them used to the dental clinic. They will be more relaxed when it’s their turn for a check-up, maybe even eager to finally get a chance to copy you for real.

Because children’s teeth are so susceptible to decay, we offer two treatments that provide extra protection. One is to paint fluoride onto the teeth to mineralise the enamel against decay. We can also paint sealant on to the back molars. This covers the fissures in the chewing surfaces, where decay tends to occur. Seeing young patients also allows us to keep an eye out for issues with the bite and spot teeth that are going to come through out of alignment.

When to visit the dentist in Stevenage

Visiting the dentist at least every six months is important for maintaining your oral and overall health. In recent years, studies have shown that a healthy mouth is linked to a healthy body. A healthy mouth starts with regular examinations and cleanings.

At Smilecraft, prevention is a very big part of our philosophy. To help our patients take good care of their own teeth we are always happy to give advice and answer questions about common or not so common dental problems. Our dentist in Stevenage will help you maintain the highest standard of oral health while limiting dental expenditures.

Dentist in StevenageGum disease and oral health

Gum disease is an oral condition that can cause many problems if not treated at an early stage. It occurs when plaque and germs infect the gums, causing them to become red, sensitive and to bleed easily. Advanced gum disease, also known as periodontitis, affects the supporting bone around the teeth and can lead to tooth loss. If plaque is left on teeth for a long time it can become hard, and cannot be removed with a toothbrush. Only a dental professional can safely remove it. If you brush and floss your teeth on a daily basis and visit the dentist in Stevenage for regular check-ups and cleanings, it is highly unlikely that you will develop gum disease.

Tooth decay and oral health

Tooth decay occurs when the sugar found in food and drinks turns into acid, which attacks the teeth. If this happens often, the plaque acid can create cavities in the tooth enamel. Tooth decay affects people of all ages and it can start at a very young age. It mostly affects patients with very poor dental hygiene.

What can you do?

Clean your teeth and gums twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque. This will help stop decay and gum disease as well as bad breath. Moreover, it is important to visit your dentist in Stevenage regularly and ask their advice about what is best for you. Our experienced dentists will examine your teeth thoroughly and create a custom-made treatment plan for your individual needs.

Preserve your oral health by visiting the dentist in Stevenage

Did you know that gum disease is the main cause of tooth loss in adults? A good oral care routine and a healthy lifestyle can help you keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong for longer. Brushing, flossing and eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis is important for keeping your mouth healthy and disease-free. However, it is more important to visit the dentist at least twice a year or more if you are prone to dental problems.

At Smilecraft, we are passionate about prevention, protecting you from bad oral habits and maintaining your dental health. Our dentist in Stevenage will ensure your gums stay healthy in order to prevent gum disease and keep your smile shining brightly for years to come.

Dentist in StevenageThe importance of brushing and flossing

Brushing twice a day is the most effective method of keeping your mouth fresh and clean. It is also a good idea to rinse your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash twice a day in order to protect your gums. This way, you can reach areas that your toothbrush and floss cannot reach.

Flossing, on the other hand, is often left out by patients. However, it is one of the easiest ways to control plaque build-up and prevent gum disease. Your dentist in Stevenage will teach you how to floss your teeth properly.

Eat a balanced diet

What you eat can help you keep your teeth healthy. Vitamins and other nutrients found in fruits, vegetables and nuts increase the ability of your body to fight bacteria and irritation, helping to protect your teeth and gums in the long run. Moreover, foods rich in calcium and vitamin D such as milk and other dairy products, help promote healthy teeth and gums, and reduce the risk of tooth loss.

Do not postpone your dental visits

Visiting your dentist in Stevenage at least twice a year is extremely important in preventing disease and ensuring that your teeth remain clean and healthy. Your dentist will look for early symptoms of tooth decay and gum disease and will effectively remove plaque stuck to your teeth and gums.

What can the dentist in Stevenage do for you?

Are you one of the 25% of UK adults who only go to their dentist when they have a problem? This is a bit like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. You need to have regular check-ups to maintain good oral health. Check-ups are also a way to make sure there is nothing else we can help you with.

As a modern dentist in Stevenage, Smilecraft offers a wide array of treatments. We not only fix problems, we prevent them and we can make your smile brighter too.

Dentist in StevenagePrevention is better than cure

The focus of modern dentistry is on prevention. So, we are always keen to find new ways to help you keep your teeth for life. Our dental hygienists, Janet Spence and Nancy Carlton, remove plaque and tartar build up and can show you how to brush more effectively.

If you are a smoker, you are doing your mouth no favours at all. Your dentist in Stevenage can offer stop smoking support. We also do mouth cancer screening. Our hand-held scanning device helps us do a thorough check for lumps or lesions.

If you are having a baby, you will probably find your gums feeling more tender and swollen. Welcome to pregnancy gingivitis, caused by higher progesterone levels. You may need more hygienist appointments to keep gum disease at bay.

If you are sporty, you may need a custom-made mouth guard from your Stevenage dentist. It’s cheaper than new teeth, that’s for sure.

Replacing teeth

If you do get a tooth knocked out, dental implants replace the root, and the crown is replaced with a custom-made durable porcelain replica. This can last for the rest of your life.

Dentures are removable false teeth. You can have either a full, or partial set. A bridge is false teeth that are fixed to neighbouring healthy teeth for support.

Cosmetic dentistry

This is an increasingly popular branch of dentistry that makes damaged, wonky or discoloured teeth look great again. We can brighten you up with teeth whitening, white fillings, braces and veneers. With a happier, healthier smile, your self-esteem will get a boost too.

Lighten your smile with teeth whitening in Stevenage

Whitening is the perfect accompaniment to any smile makeover, but it can also make a visible difference on its own. Teeth whitening is a simple, effective and inexpensive cosmetic dental treatment that can enhance your smile in as little as one treatment.

At Smilecraft, we use well-reputed whitening brands such as Enlighten and Zoom!, but we also offer bespoke whitening trays for patients who wish to have their teeth whitened at home. Professional teeth whitening can give you a noticeably whiter smile that will boost your self-esteem and help you smile without feeling uncomfortable.

Teeth Whitening in StevenageCommon causes of yellow and stained teeth

Having stained teeth not only can hamper your ability to express yourself, but can also make you self-conscious of your appearance. Tooth stains manifest themselves as yellow or brown spots that appear throughout the teeth. Main causes behind yellow teeth include certain foods and beverages, especially those with intense colours, such as red wine, soy sauce, tea, coffee, cherries and other berries.

The use of certain medications can also cause yellow and discoloured teeth and so does excessive fluoride. However, the main causes of yellow and stained teeth are poor dental hygiene and ageing. Luckily, most of these discolourations can be removed with professional teeth whitening.


Enlighten Evolution teeth whitening treatment is the only teeth whitening system that will brighten your teeth up to 16 shades easily and safely. This system guarantees that your teeth will reach their ideal colour without being extreme. Enlighten whitening includes both home whitening trays and power whitening and has proven to be very effective and popular with patients.


Zoom! is a teeth whitening treatment that can lighten your tooth enamel by several shades. Zoom! whitening uses hydrogen peroxide to remove persistent stains from your teeth. Your dentist will place the whitening gel directly on your teeth and activate it by positioning the Zoom! light against them. The light will activate the hydrogen peroxide and help penetrate the surface of the teeth.

Home whitening

Home whitening trays at Smilecraft are crafted for each individual patient in order to fit properly in their mouth. Once they are ready, our experienced dentists will show you how to use them along with bleaching gel.

Keep calm and see the dentist in Stevenage

If you are holding off seeing the dentist in Stevenage because of fear or anxiety, here at Smilecraft in Stevenage Old Town, we can help you. We know that many adults experience dental phobia – around 30% in the UK – it’s way more common than you might think and you are not alone.

Whether you are concerned for your child or are anxious yourself, we have many ways to help our nervous patients and pride ourselves on offering the comfort and reassurance you need to sit easy in the dentist’s chair.

Dentist in StevenageYou are welcome

Our warm and friendly team have decades’ worth of experience and enjoy putting patients at ease.

Staying relaxed

If you are anxious about a particular treatment, we can offer conscious sedation. This isn’t an alternative to anaesthetic. Sedation isn’t a pain killer, it helps you to relax and stay calm during the treatment. You will be conscious but may not remember the procedure afterwards.

Sedation can be taken either as a tablet before your treatment or administered intravenously through an injection.

Easy does it

We use The Wand, which is a pain-free injection system. The Wand is a small, thin, pen-like device that we use to administer anaesthetic. It works at a low pressure; many of our patients aren’t even aware that it’s in use. We can be much more precise in targeting the area that needs numbing, which means little or no freezing of surrounding areas such as the lips.

Clear and clean

We explain all our treatments in advance thoroughly, including timescale and cost, so you know exactly what will happen each step of the way.

Ask us anything

You are welcome to drop in to see our dentist in Stevenage and talk to any of the team about your dental health. Have a look around and talk to us about any questions or concerns you have.

This surgery has been at the heart of Stevenage for more than 25 years and we have served several generations of the same family. We’ve built up our reputation through trust, consistency and excellent care. Drop in today and see if we could be your new dentist in Stevenage.

The foundation for a beautiful smile

When you visit a dentist these days, you can easily get carried away with fantasies of perfectly shaped white teeth created by cosmetic dentistry.

And, while, at Smilecraft, we agree that of course you should have well-aligned, shapely, white teeth, if you want them, we also believe that good oral health forms the foundation of every beautiful smile.

Dentist in StevenageThat is why when you join our clinic and come to us for your first appointment with a Stevenage dentist, we will start by taking a detailed look at your gums, jawbone, tongue and mouth, as well as your teeth. We will also have a good chat with you about your dental history, and your dental desires.

However, if we find that you need some remedial work, we will carry this out using modern equipment, techniques and materials.

For example, your fillings no longer need to be made of mercury amalgam. Your Stevenage dentist at Smilecraft can use composite materials that match your tooth colour and withstand the stresses and pressures that biting and chewing place on teeth. With this kind of filling material, we do not have to remove so much of the tooth in order to give it something to bond too, which means your teeth are stronger too.

It may be that at some point, you will need to have root canal therapy. This need arises after bacteria have entered into the pulp of the tooth, either via a crack or decay. These bacteria give off acid, which irritates and infects the tooth, leading to severe toothache as the pressure increases inside the tooth. Our dentist will clean out the canal, removing the pulp and filling the resultant space before sealing it.

If you need to have teeth removed, your Stevenage dentist can fill the gap left with a bridge. Bridges are false teeth supported by the teeth next to them, or by dental implants. This stops the surrounding teeth from tipping into the gap left by the lost tooth.

However, if you come to us for a twice-yearly check-up, visit the hygienist, and brush and floss twice a day, you may never lose a tooth or need root canal therapy.

Looking for a dental clinic for life?

If you are shopping around for a dentist in Stevenage, you are probably looking for one whose skills you can trust. Feeling comfortable and able to trust your dentist is as important as trusting your new car, or feeling comfortable in your new home. You only get one mouth, and keeping it in optimum health and looking good over decades of hard wear and tear is very important.

As we go through life, our dental needs change, and what most people want is to be able to find a great dentist whom they can go and see throughout their lives and take their children to see, and, even their elderly parents.

Dentist in StevenageAt Smilecraft, dentists Dr Bradley Abrahams and Dr Caroline King head up a practice with three hygienists, and three nursing and reception staff. We have been established for more than 25 years and extend our caring ethos to your entire family.

When you bring your toddler or baby with you to the dentist for the first time, your Stevenage dentist will make sure that these very young patients have a positive experience. That way, they will be able to start building a lifetime habit of regular visits to keep in optimum oral health.

When your baby becomes a child and then a teenager, our dentist in Stevenage will be on the lookout for the changes that growing mouths and emerging teeth go through. They will be able to catch problems with crowded, crooked or misaligned teeth almost before they happen and recommend the right treatment to give young patients a great smile of healthy teeth.

But it’s not just the teenage year that are important: as we go through adulthood, our teeth and mouths continue to evolve. Accidents, lifestyle, diet, and wear and tear all take their toll on our hard-working mouths. Our dentists can correct any problems, be they health-related, such as infections, or aesthetic problems, such as chipped, worn or broken teeth.

In older age, our dental needs are more likely to include the need for replacement artificial teeth and problems with receding gums. Your Stevenage dentist can look out for the issues that come with old age, recommending the best options for you.

Time for a smile makeover

When you know your car isn’t working properly, but you don’t know how to make it a thing of beauty and a joy to drive again, you take it to a car expert. The same goes for teeth and mouths. Yes, you can live for years with teeth that don’t look great. They may even have a few issues that you can live with (other than decay or gum disease, which cause discomfort). Perhaps you know what we are talking about. You keep your smile under wraps these days. You no longer roar with laughter. If you have removable false teeth or a fixed bridge, you can’t even eat your favourite crunchy, chewy foods.

Smile Makeovers in StevenageAll in all, when your smile is no longer a lovely thing, for whatever reason, each day, in subtle but undeniable ways, chips away at your self-esteem.

If you can do it for your beloved old car, shouldn’t you take your teeth to a professional and see if they can be restored to their full gleaming former glory? If you never had a Rolls Royce of a smile, there are ways to turn it into one.

The world of smile makeovers

At Smilecraft, we can give you one of our famous smile makeovers in Stevenage. This is an umbrella term for a combination of cosmetic dentistry treatments. We take a good look at your mouth and work out a plan to bring your smile to peak condition.

This may include getting some teeth straightened. This will not only make them look better, they will be easier to clean and your chewing pressure will be more evenly distributed, so your teeth will last longer.

If your teeth are chipped and worn, they can be repaired by covering them with veneers or composite bonding. Your back molars may need something stronger like crowns.

Stained teeth, as long as there are no prosthetics such as veneers, can often be whitened.

How these treatments are combined and in what order they are performed is vital to the success of your treatment, and you will receive a treatment plan with the order and cost of treatments needed to make over your smile.

It’s not about vanity, it’s about oral health

Did you sneak past the braces monster as a kid and now wish you had had your teeth straightened? Maybe your teeth weren’t quite wonky enough to qualify for free treatment on the NHS? Maybe your parents could not afford it or you refused? Perhaps now you wish you had straighter teeth, but it’s just vanity right? Well, wrong, actually. Orthodontics in Stevenage could be exactly what you need.

Straighter teeth are generally healthier than wonky teeth. This is for two reasons:

Orthodontics in StevenagePlaque

Plaque is the sticky film that builds up on our teeth during the day. It is bacteria that live in the mouth and they proliferate by feeding on the sugars in our mouths left from food and drinks. Plaque quickly hardens into tartar and gives off acid. This attacks tooth enamel and creates cavities through which bacteria can sneak in to decay the teeth. Acid from plaque along the gum line inflames and irritates the gums, and can also attack the bone, loosening teeth, perhaps even causing them to fall out. If you take advantage of orthodontics in Stevenage, your straighter teeth will provide far fewer places for plaque to hide and build up, which can lead to decay and gum disease. You will have a much higher chance of hanging onto your natural teeth for life.


When you chew, ideally your teeth bite down evenly against each other and work as a team to create the forces (up to 97kg or 200lbs) that are needed to break down your food into a swallowable paste.

However, when your teeth are wonky, only a few teeth bear the brunt of that force and it takes its toll on them. Over time they get worn down and can crumble away, leaving them vulnerable to decay.

Replacement parts

Teeth that are misaligned have a much higher chance of needing to be extracted in later life, and this means you will have to replace them. Orthodontics in Stevenage may seem like a big investment, but it could be nothing compared to the cost of dental implants, or the hassle of dentures.