Mouth cancer is a major health issue in many parts of the world. Mouth cancer is increasing and despite advances in medicine, death rates are still high, therefore it is important that regular mouth cancer screening is carried out to help control this devastating disease. Here at Smilecraft we offer mouth cancer screening Stevenage. We recommend that you undergo mouth cancer screening Stevenage once a year to make sure that your mouth is healthy and that there are no underlying issues which may be affecting the health of your mouth, teeth or gums or your overall health in general.

Risk factors and how to prevent them
There are two main causes of mouth cancer. Firstly, mouth cancer seems to occur as a result of a range of lifestyle choices including smoking, chewing tobacco, and drinking alcohol above recommended levels. 75% of mouth cancers are caused in this way. The remaining cases occur as a result of exposure to the human papillomavirus or HPV. over the last few decades there has been an increase in mouth cancer in young people and especially females.
If you cut down on alcohol and stop smoking then this can help reduce your chances of developing mouth cancer. Practising safe sex helps reduce chances of infection by HPV and this can also help prevent the development of mouth cancer. Speak to us at Smilecraft privately and confidentially to find out more about mouth cancer screening Stevenage.
The importance of early diagnosis
The stage at which mouth cancer is detected has a significant effect on overall survival. If it is detected at stage 1 then there is a 90% 2 year survival rate. Unfortunately nearly two thirds of mouth cancers are diagnosed at stage 3 or 4. By this time the cancer has most likely spread and only 45% of people survive for at least two years with high treatment-related morbidity amongst those who do. Delays in diagnosis of mouth cancer is the main cause of patients having more advanced stages of the disease. There are different signs and symptoms to look out for with mouth cancer, a red or white patch, ulcer or lump in the mouth that wasn’t there before is an early sign. These symptoms last for more than a few weeks. If you notice such symptoms then it is important that you speak to us at Smilecraft and enquire about mouth cancer screening Stevenage immediately. We have specialist training to detect early signs of mouth cancer. We can examine your mouth thoroughly and are able to see the parts of your mouth which you are not able to examine yourself. If mouth cancer can be diagnosed early then it can be treated quickly and successfully.
Book an appointment for mouth cancer screening here at Smilecraft in Stevenage and let us carry out a comprehensive examination of your mouth to make sure that you have good oral health, and that there are no underlying concerns so that you can enjoy peace of mind and continue to look after your mouth with a healthy lifestyle and stay safe from such disease.