Author Archives: Smilecraft Dental Care

Recreate a dazzling smile for a satisfying life with white fillings

Why is it essential to maintain our dental health?

Having good dental health is essential as it contributes to overall health and wellness. Having poor dental health can lead to pain and distress, affecting your productivity and, therefore, your overall performance. Furthermore, dental issues can harm your facial appearance causing you to have low self-esteem. We, at Smilecraft, believe that having good dental health can uplift your overall quality of life.

What are white fillings?

White fillings are a minimally invasive restorative treatment. There are different materials used for fillings, all of which are pliable and fill in a part of a tooth that has lost its structure due to damage caused by tooth decay. Our dentists can offer this treatment, giving you a better-looking smile.

By filling in a tooth to make it whole again, we can restore your bite and reduce the risk of further dental problems. We believe that this treatment will help boost your overall dental hygiene.

Why are white fillings used?

Commonly, white fillings Stevenage are used to restore lost strength and structure to a tooth or set of teeth following cavity treatment. This is done by removing the decayed tooth structure. Whilst this restores dental health, it may leave your teeth vulnerable to future decay. Therefore, if you are experiencing a toothache, we recommend that you see our dental team immediately as this is a sign of tooth decay.

Why are white fillings popular?

White fillings Stevenage have risen in popularity as it is known to blend in well with the surrounding natural teeth. Therefore, a tooth filling will not stick out like a sore thumb, and no one will be able to notice that you have one. At Smilecraft, our professionals are highly skilled at applying white fillings.

What are some advantages of white fillings?

The first benefit to having fillings is the lower risk of sensitivity. Composite resin, which is what white fillings Stevenage are made of, does not transfer heat quickly and it is this quality that can help you avoid unpleasant sensations when consuming anything hot or cold whilst also insulating your teeth from temperature variations. Moreover, the fillings are biocompatible; they do not contain any harmful chemicals and, therefore, are not harmful to the body in any way.

The next benefit is the stability of the fillings as they do not expand or contract as temperature varies. Therefore, they are less prone to falling out.

The final advantage is that these fillings are aesthetically pleasing. They can be shaped to blend in with the surrounding teeth and matched to the lustre of the teeth. We can even polish the fillings to mimic the reflective quality of natural teeth.

We, at Smilecraft, believe that such advantages make white fillings an amazing restorative treatment option.

Is it difficult to maintain these fillings?

Caring for these fillings is quite easy. All you need to do is brush and floss regularly, and as long as you maintain this properly, the fillings will last you a few years.

Mouth cancer screening during dental check-ups

Never something we want to think about, but can really make all the difference. Mouth cancer screening Stevenage is one of the key roles we perform at our dental practice.

Oral carcinoma is one of the most common forms of cancer in smokers. Thankfully, they are also common to recover from and relatively easy to operate on if necessary, but early detection is one of the biggest factors in the prognosis. Screening is part of the standard 6-monthly check-up at our clinic; it is carried out based on observation looking for odd formation of tissue or the start of suspicious growths. Not only are these growths usually painless, but can occur quite slowly meaning patients would not notice of their own volition. Growths that do cause any kind of discomfort or rubbing, are usually put down to other things like mouth ulcers or minor gum disease .

High risk groups

There is a strong connection between those consuming high alcohol content spirits whilst smoking, as a dual risk to developing mouth cancer. Regular consumption of alcohol disrupts oral tissues allowing carcinogenic products, such as smoke, to penetrate into a tissue. If you are in a high-risk group it is recommended that you get screened once a year, so your twice yearly check-up and mouth cancer screening Stevenage would have you covered. If anything is of concern you should follow up with your standard physician or GP and we would be happy to provide a statement of our observations if they require it.

Just mouth ulcers?

Due to the prevalence of misdiagnosing tumours as chronic mouth ulcers, if you have been suffering with a mouth ulcer that has not responded to treatment after 4 weeks of medicated mouthwashes and self-care, please book yourself in for an appointment as soon as possible.  There are several prescription medications that we can provide to relieve chronic mouth ulcers, as well as ensuring that it is nothing more serious.

If you are concerned about the risk of mouth cancer for yourself or any of your loved ones, please feel free to book an appointment at our clinic, as we would prefer to give you an all clear and have you put off your concerns. There is no harm in double checking.

Dental phobias

We understand that attending the clinic can be particularly difficult if you have a dental aversion or deep distrust of dentistry in general, but if you do have a suspicious growth, it is very important to have it checked out. You do not have to consent to any further work if you do not wish to. Our mouth cancer screening Stevenage is not there to make you feel guilty or to judge you, simply to help provide some guidance towards better overall health and to ensure that you do not have any greater issues that need to be addressed.

Feel free to contact the clinic in order to find out more information. We are always empathetic to the needs of nervous patients, taking each patient’s care at the pace they require.

I am unhappy with my smile

Many people are unhappy with the way that their smile looks, but that could be where we step in to assist. We, at Smilecraft, can help you achieve the smile that you have always wished you had and enable you to become happier and more confident in the process. We have the knowledge and capabilities to be able to do this in a relatively short time, if the condition of your dental health allows it. If this sounds like a treatment that could do wonders for you, then you should consider reading on to the rest of our article, this will take you through exactly what our treatment will offer you as well as how this treatment works. We will round off the article by outlining what your next steps should be if you decide this treatment is an ideal option for you.


What are Six Month smiles?

Six Month Smiles Stevenage can be used to correct crooked or misaligned teeth. This treatment does not use metal braces and can be used as an alternative to more traditional treatments that are used to straighten teeth. Six Month Smiles uses tooth-coloured wires and brackets that blend into your mouth so you can carry on without worrying about how your smile looks as your treatment takes place. A healthier mouth is promoted through straightening your teeth and you also will not have to go through the lengthy process of a more traditional dental brace. As the name suggests, you could straighten your smile in six months, although different cases can take longer or less time depending on the severity of the correction. You will be advised on how the procedure will work for you during your consultation. You should read on to the next section to see how this treatment works.

How do they work?

Six Month Smiles Stevenage work through being discreet and reliable. They are also a cost-effective treatment that you could consider if you are looking to straighten your smile without great expense. You will be given the right amount of support needed to be able to see the treatment through. The brackets are used to exert a force to straighten your teeth and we will check all adjustments are occurring within the correct time frame. Any questions you have can be answered by your dentist who will take the time to make sure you understand the process properly. You should read on to the next section to see what you should do next.

What should I do next?

If you think that Six Month Smiles Stevenage could be for you then you should consider booking an assessment with us. You will meet with one of our accredited dental professionals who will work with you to determine what your end goals are post-treatment and if this treatment could be beneficial for you. You should consider getting in touch with us at your earliest convenience. We have been able to provide top quality services to many patients and we would love to be able to work with you to give you the same level of care. We look forward to hearing from you and being able to put a treatment plan in place so you can start to feel your best.

An overview of Enlighten Teeth Whitening in Stevenage

We are all living in a world that has become more about image than ever before, as Facebook, Instagram, and other social media outlets allow us to instantly post images of ourselves to share with others. This has led to people paying more attention to their looks, we are now all looking to create the public image we wish to portray by having the perfect hairstyle, make-up, and clothes to look our best.


One of the areas people have become more conscious about is the teeth, as we are now paying more attention to them than ever before. This has created a demand for dental treatments and over the counter solutions for whitening our teeth.

At Smilecraft Dental Care we have decided to start offering a specialised tooth whitening service. By offering Enlighten Teeth Whitening in Stevenage we believe our clients can truly benefit from the best treatment of its kind.

A new form of tooth whitening treatment

Enlighten Teeth Whitening in Stevenage, is a streamlined system for whitening your teeth that can improve the whiteness of your teeth by sixteen shades, allowing you to achieve the perfect whiteness you are looking for. With at-home and in-surgery options available, we do believe that this is one of the most effective tooth whitening systems available on the dental market today.

The Enlighten system also makes use of a special toothpaste serum to be used for two weeks prior to and during the whitening process, followed by the Evo White toothpaste to give a life long whitening effect after the treatment is completed.

The best thing is you can keep your teeth white for as long as you wish but using the specialised gel that you can purchase from your dentist, you can top-up the whiteness of your teeth quickly and safely, without leaving your home. This gel will need to be applied regularly to achieve the best results and the perfect white teeth for you.

Cosmetic procedures are not just for the vein

Tooth whitening is one of a group of procedures offered by many dentists that are classed as cosmetic surgeries, while we are aware of how many people view these types of procedures, we would be quick to point out how wrong it is to attach any negative ways of thinking to these procedures. We would also point out that many people seeking these types of treatments have genuinely personal reasons for why they are seeking a cosmetic procedure of any kind.

Look at it this way, if someone having their teeth whitened experiences a boost in their self-confidence that leads to them becoming more out-going and sociable, then they have gained a positive effect upon their mental state of mind and, in our view, that’s a good reason for them to undergo tooth whitening treatment.

When someone approaches our practice for a tooth whitening treatment, we will ask them why they feel the need for treatment. We are not trying to judge, we are more concerned with knowing that someone has thought their reasoning fully, this allows us to make sure we are providing the right treatment to the right client.

So…you want pearly whites

If you are looking for tooth whitening, then we would recommend you contact Smilecraft Dental Care to find out more about Enlighten Teeth Whitening in Stevenage.

At Smilecraft Dental Care we provide you with the latest in dental technology and techniques.

A modern practice with dental e-consultation in Stevenage

By now we should all realise what a different and strange world we are currently living in, as we are in the era of restrictions, tiers, and lockdowns. Covid-19 has now become the largest national emergency in living memory, it has changed every aspect of our lives and forced us to rethink how we continue to do the simplest of everyday tasks that need us to leave our homes.


While dentists have now mostly re-opened, there is still a requirement to consider the steps that need to be carried out to keep people safe and well. While strict cleaning routines and PPE are still in place, dentists have also started to look towards modern technology to see how it can be used within the dental practice environment.

Smilecraft Dental Care is one such dentist that has decided to fully embrace technology, in the hope of creating a new way for our patients to receive the consultations they require. A dental e-consultation in Stevenage is simple and quick, making it so that the patient does not need to leave their home for a check-up.

This time you can get out your phone

A dental e-consultation in Stevenage all starts with the camera on your phone, a device that almost everyone has access to. We will ask you to use either camera. If you are alone, we recommend using the selfie camera, to take several images of your teeth. You will need to take these pictures at a high quality, as this will give us a clear set of images to look at when we are carrying out our consultation.

You will need to take images from several different angles, this will allow us to see all the teeth. Start with taking a frontal image of the teeth, then take left and right angles. Where you need to, use your fingers to insert into the mouth and move the lips and flesh of the mouth out of the way, as this will help to give us a better image of the teeth to look at.

Next, you will need to open your mouth wide, this will help you to take photos of the top and bottom of your mouth. Try to move your tongue out of the way of your teeth, if possible.

One good tip is to take the images in a well lit area if you are using your selfie phone camera. If you have someone helping you, use the camera on the back of your phone with the flash on. This will allow for clear images to be taken.

You have your images, now what?

Once you have taken your images you will need to fill out a simple online form, this will register you for your e-consultation. Once we have your form, we will send you an email requesting your photos of your teeth, with instructions about how to send them to us.

Once we have your photos one of our dentists will examine them and write a clear report to send back to you, via email. This report will outline any treatment you may need.

Dentistry in the Covid-19 era

A dental e-consultation in Stevenage allows the clients of Smilecraft to carry on having their dental check-ups in a world with Covid-19, should you consider joining them.

If you are seeking a dentist who will look after you, the health of your mouth, and the appearance of your smile, Smilecraft will be a welcome discovery.

Explore our Direct Access Dental Hygiene treatment benefits

For patients who wish to keep their natural teeth for life, our advice to them is quite simple – make regular appointments to see our dental hygienist. Our dental hygienist at Smilecraft is a dedicated dental health professional with many years of real-world experience in a varied range of treatments integral to keeping teeth and gums healthy and great smiles happy.


At our dental clinic, we are proud to offer a patient-centric approach to dental care, and a part of this philosophy is to ensure we offer a convenient service to our patients. Towards this aim, patients can access dental hygiene treatments with a qualified dental hygienist without needing a prescription from a dentist thanks to our registration for the Direct Access Dental Hygiene Stevenage initiative.

The Direct Access Dental Hygiene Stevenage allows dental hygienists to carry out a number of dental hygiene treatments (preventive and cosmetic) without the need to see a dentist first. We believe that through Direct Access Dental Hygiene Stevenage our patients are able to access quality dental hygiene services at their convenience.

Why should you see a dental hygienist? We take a look at some of the key treatments carried out by dental hygienists to maintain a healthy mouth.

The role of a dental hygienist, in patient oral health

Patients can benefit in a number of ways from an appointment with a dental hygienist to ensure the oral health of their mouth and keep their ability to smile confidently. Dental hygienists are specially trained to prevent tooth decay and gum diseases and can offer the following quality services:

  • Removal of resistant plaque and tartar
  • Gum treatment for gum disease
    • (Provided it is within their scope of practice)
  • Application of tooth-protective treatments
    • (Sealants, fluoride gels, etc.)
  • Treatment for bad breath

In addition to the above, a dental hygienist offers another vitally important service – that of dispensing instruction and advice on how to best protect teeth and gum health. Our hygienist can offer best practice tips and techniques on toothbrush instruction and flossing as well as the most suitable dental products to use. This guidance and advice is most valued to take care of teeth and keep them clean in between dental visits.

Seeing that one’s diet has a direct link to oral health, our hygienist can also offer advice on a tooth-friendly diet and effective ways on how to limit excessive sugar consumption.

A dental hygienist can help patients understand the cause of their dental issue or disease better and empower them to take better care of their oral health. Please feel free to speak to our highly knowledgeable dental hygienist about your dental goals so we can guide you on how to achieve them.

The best way to avoid all the dreaded dental treatments and procedures, like root canal procedures and extractions, is to see a dental hygienist for regular deep dental cleanings and gum inspection.

Get to know more about our dental hygiene services by getting in touch with our friendly reception staff at Smilecraft who will be happy to assist you in making an appointment.

What to know about the role of The Wand in dental care

At Smilecraft we use attainting patient service excellence as a driving force in all that we do. We don’t just ‘talk’ about patient comfort but take active measures to ensure it. We understand how unsettling the thought of certain invasive dental procedures can be for patients.


Some patients may have had the misfortune of receiving dental care at the hands of uncaring dentists resulting in them developing dental phobia. Others may not like the effects of a numbed mouth after receiving anaesthetic administered through a syringe. By relying on modern anaesthesia techniques such as The Wand Stevenage, we circumvent all the above issues and more. We take a look at this clever piece of equipment that has changed the way in which patients receive dental care.

What is The Wand Stevenage and how does it work

The days of the syringe to administer pain-relieving medication to patients receiving dental care are numbered thanks to the introduction of The Wand Stevenage. The device can be used effectively in a range of dental care services, from restorative treatments to cosmetic procedures. Here are a few important takeaways about this game changing device.

The Wand is a computer-assisted anaesthesia administering system that was specifically developed to replace the old fashioned syringe system and avoid all related challenges that arose with its use.

The introduction of the device has realised the possibility of painless injections. More than this, the device is found to be more accurate in locating the exact spot where the anaesthetic would provide most benefit to the patient and highly effective in delivering a great patient experience. Patients are completely relaxed and at ease during the treatment process.

The pen-like device proffers a slow and gentle supply of local anaesthetic to the localised site and because it looks more like a pen than a syringe, it is less likely to scare off patients.

Unlike the numbing sensation produced by traditional syringe injections, this excellent tool sidesteps the numbness to ensure less pain, more comfort, reduced anxiety and minimal downtime for recovery. Patients can be up and at it in no time at all.

Sedation dentistry has completely changed the way patients see and feel about receiving invasive dental care. In the past these procedures at the hands of an indifferent dentist could be a nerve-wrecking experience resulting in patients avoiding the dentist chair at all costs and jeopardising their oral health. To encourage and assist dental phobic patients to take care of their dental health needs, sedation dentistry is used to helping patients relax and be comfortable whilst in the dental chair. With the use of The Wand, patients may not even be aware that an anaesthetic is being administered.

If you need an invasive dental procedure performed but hate the thought of being injected, then our painless anaesthesia method is just the thing. Would you like to know more about painless injections available at Smilecraft? Get in touch with our reception desk for an appointment with one of our competent dental practitioners who would be happy to answer all of your questions.

What are the benefits of preventative dentistry for kids?

Many patients are under the misconception that it is only adults that need to look after their teeth. Children have only a temporary need for their baby teeth and these will eventually fall out once they have served their purpose. But it should be noted that there are significantly weighty reasons to look after children’s oral health that will carry a long-lasting impact well into their adult years. Preventive-focused dental measures and treatments is the branch of dentistry dedicated to preserving teeth and gums and safeguarding oral function.


Our approachable and competent dentist at Smilecraft dental clinic is well-experienced in providing quality preventative dentistry for kids Stevenage. We are of the opinion that it is never too early to bring in a child for an oral health assessment which is why we welcome children of all ages including babies who have sprouted their first tooth. Here’s why we encourage parents to focus on preventative dentistry for kids Stevenage.

The need for children to visit the dentist

Preventative dentistry for kids Stevenage is a key part in maintaining children’s oral health and avoiding serious issues from developing that will lead to dental pain, tooth discomfort, tooth decay and traumatising treatments such as tooth extractions.

The advantages of preventive dental care for children does not only benefit children in their younger years as the appreciation they have for their teeth and the positive habits they practice towards  maintaining oral health are likely to stay with them for life.

There are many parts to preventive dental care and includes check-up appointments scheduled at dentist-recommended intervals, a comprehensive oral assessment, treatments and procedures carried out by an experienced dental practitioner such as in-clinic cleanings, fluoride treatments and fillings as well as the oral hygiene practice at home – daily brushing and flossing and the use of specially-formulated kid-friendly mouthwash.

Dental issues that are identified in a child’s early years allows a dental practitioner to put in place suitable measures like orthodontic treatments to prevent major problems (teeth spacing issues or jaw problems) from developing at a later stage.

As part of our preventive care services specifically focusing on children, we provide:

  • Education for children on the importance of looking after teeth.
  • Recommend ways to parents on appropriate products to use and tricks to employ when supervising children’s oral hygiene routine.
  • Fluoride and sealant treatments.
  • Use of x-rays to track development of teeth and jawbone.

Parents are welcome to address any concerns about their child’s teeth or general oral health with our dentist. We can advise on the best guidelines and techniques to use (games to play, songs to sing and products to use) to make cleaning teeth fun. It is important that parents do not leave their children to clean their teeth on their own. For the oral hygiene routine to be effective, this practice must be supervised at all times to ensure the child is doing it correctly.

To help your child avoid the pain and trauma of cavities and dental decay, we recommend visiting us at Smilecraft dental clinic for exceptional preventive dental care.

Looking for teeth whitening Stevenage? Head over to Smilecraft

Teeth can become discoloured for a variety of reasons: whether it’s drinking tea and coffee, or red wine; not following an effective oral hygiene routine; or because you are taking medications or have an illness which affects the appearance of your teeth. At Smilecraft, we offer teeth whitening Stevenage treatments, Enlighten and Zoom, which are professional teeth whitening systems that can improve the appearance of your teeth. Enlighten is the only system in the world that can lighten teeth by up to 16 shades, easily, effectively and, most importantly, safely. The system is designed to ensure that your teeth will reach their optimum whiteness, and this means that every patient’s results are individual to them and their teeth. With Zoom, the treatment takes place both at the practice and at home, allowing you to brighten your teeth in the comfort of your own home, safely and effectively.

How does Enlighten work?

Enlighten is a streamlined and state-of-the-art treatment. Like Zoom, it uses a combination of home and practice treatments. You will have a consultation to discuss the treatment and if you decide to go ahead with it, you will be given a proprietary Tooth Serum to use for a couple of weeks before you have your treatment. The serum desensitises your teeth to give you maximum comfort when undergoing the whitening procedure. After you have had your treatment, you will also be given the Evo toothpaste to keep your teeth light after the treatment has been completed. You will also be able to keep your trays after the treatment has finished and use the home whitening gel to keep the results of your treatment and we will advise you about how frequently you will need to use this to maintain the results.

How does Zoom work?

Zoom involves a two hour treatment with us at the Smilecraft practice. During this treatment, we should be able to achieve improved results by 4-6 shades, so that on the day you can leave us a brighter smile – and we reckon you’ll have lots to smile about with results like that afterwards, we will provide you with bleaching trays to use at home. With the trays, you will fill these with the whitening gel we provide you with and all you need to do is simply use this for 6 days following your treatment with us.

One more thing…

If you don’t fancy an intense treatment and want to lighten your teeth more gradually, we do also offer a home whitening kit. You will receive made-to-measure trays to use in the comfort of your own home and we will be happy to show you how to use them properly before you take them away from the practice. We will also make sure that they do fit as they should, so that you get the best results possible. When you are at home, you will also have some whitening gel in which you place a small amount into the trays and wear them in bed overnight as you sleep. Most people start to see optimum whiteness within 4-6 weeks, although treatment times and results will vary between patients. If you would like to find out more about our professional treatments for teeth whitening Stevenage, simply book in for a consultation and we will help you to get a smile that shines.

What options can you offer with smile makeovers in Stevenage?

When discussing smile makeovers Stevenage it is entirely based on the patient’s idea of what a makeover is. For example, makeovers can range from teeth whitening treatment, to tooth restoration to tooth realignment. Therefore when discussing a makeover Smilecraft first needs to understand what you, our patient, is looking for.

Is the Six Month Smiles treatment considered to be a makeover?


Tooth realignment is an extremely common dental issue and whilst mild cases of misalignment are often considered unimportant by patients, for some, whether mild or severe, misaligned or crooked teeth can cause major confidence issues. Six Month Smiles is a treatment that wants to restore confidence in the patient’s smile without having to go through an embarrassing process to get there. For instance, when people think of braces the idea that mostly springs to mind is that of chunky, metal braces which are noticeable and sometimes cause discomfort. Whilst this traditional method is still extremely effective, Six Month Smiles is an alternative way to have one of the more modern smile makeovers  Stevenage. This particular treatment uses tooth coloured brackets and wires to provide a much more discreet way of realignment.

What treatment would provide me with one of the quickest smile makeovers Stevenage?

Teeth whitening is considered to be one of the quickest and most noticeable methods of having a smile makeover. Whilst classed as a cosmetic treatment, the benefits of having your teeth whitened can be visible not only within your smile, but also with your own confidence.

Our mouth and our teeth go through a lot every single day and therefore a degree of discolouration is to be expected. Whether it is as a result of drinking too much caffeine, smoking over the years or just general wear from age, tooth discolouration can hinder a person’s confidence and even cause embarrassment. Unlike some of the more in depth procedures, teeth whitening is a simple, safe and effective way to restore the smile.

So how does teeth whitening work?

After a discussion has occurred with our dental team we will decide with you between three possible whitening options which we offer at Smilecraft.

  • Option one – Enlighten whitening

This first option uses home treatments combined with in-surgery whitening.

  • Option two – Zoom whitening

This second option focuses more on a two hour in-surgery whitening session with minimal treatment time at home.

  • Option three – Home whitening

This final option is carried out entirely at home using trays and whitening gels which are provided. Each treatment is highly effective and depends entirely on which process would suit the patient best, for instance a patient with a nervous disposition when visiting the dental practice may be happier with the home whitening method more than the Zoom whitening. However, this would all be discussed in the initial consultation. Whichever method you choose in the end, our professional dental team only wants the optimal results for our patients. This applies to every procedure provided by Smilecraft, which should reflect only the very best dentistry has to offer.