Thousands of people suffer from mouth cancer each year. Occasionally people will ignore the symptoms that they have and neglect going for a mouth cancer screening in Stevenage which will only make their situation worse. It is recommended that you go for one of these screenings at least once a year so your dental professional can make sure that your mouth is in a healthy condition and will be able to pick up on any early signs of cancer development.

At Smilecraft Dental Care we acknowledge that this can be more than just a difficult subject for some people to approach, so our dental practitioners are on hand to make you feel as comfortable and reassured as possible. They will be able to mind your mind at ease by answering the questions you pose to them, and they will be able to tell you what steps you need to take next if the results of your screening are not what you wanted to hear.
Do what you can to stay healthy
There are several things that can be done to decrease your chances of suffering from cancer of the mouth. The first thing most health practitioners will advise you to do is to stop smoking, as this is the number one cause of more than one cancer. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol is also incredibly bad for you and this can lead to cancer cells becoming more aggressive.
Eating a well-balanced diet will help maintain a strong and healthy mouth too, so having variety in your diet and making sure you eat plenty of fruit and vegetables will help keep cancer at bay. By visiting us at Smilecraft Dental Care just once a year to have a mouth cancer screening in Stevenage you will be letting us help you to stay on top of your overall health as well as just your oral health.
Symptoms of mouth cancer
There are several signs that you may be suffering from mouth cancer, such as white or red patches on the tongue and around the mouth. You could also be suffering from mouth ulcers that are not healing or going away after a few weeks have passed. Numbness in your mouth maybe something that you are experiencing, or your teeth could be starting to come loose in their sockets.
Having a mouth cancer screening in Stevenage if you notice any of these early signs could confirm or deny whether you have cancer. It will scan your mouth for any lesions or lumps that have formed at all, whether they are on their tongue, the roof of your mouth or your cheek does not matter. For some people this is the most challenging part, as it is taking the first step of what may become a very long journey. The earlier you can catch it the easier it will be to get the right treatment that you need and resolve your problems sooner. Our dentists will ensure that you get a completely professional yet friendly experience when you visit our practice for your screening.