More than just a smile

Here at Smilecraft, we strive to provide the residents of Stevenage with a dental service which is unparalleled, and offer them far more than your average dental practice. It is our belief here at Smilecraft that, just as there are no two identical sets of teeth, no two installations of the same procedure be identical. Rather than simply adopting the lazy, clinical approach to dentistry, whereby the barrier between practitioners and their patients is divided with sterilised, impersonal accuracy, at Smilecraft, we are a dentist in Stevenage who take the time to connect with each of our patients on a personal, human basis, and have found that in doing so, a far better relationship can be formed between the patient and their trusted practitioner.
Cosmetically conscious
In recent years, there has been more of an increased focus on having a clean, healthy looking, straight and white smile than ever before. There are many speculative reasons for this recent increase, with many feeling the rise in social media documentation and the smiles portrayed throughout the media, films and television are the cause. However, whatever the reasoning behind the rise is, the fact remains that an increasing percentage of people across all age demographics are opting for cosmetic dentistry solutions from our dentist in Stevenage, to achieve a more cohesive, healthier looking, whiter and straighter smile. One of the most popular of these procedures, which we offer here at Smilecraft, is tooth whitening. This is a procedure which is used to clean off years of superficial stains or discolouration which have come about through the loss of the natural enamel on a patient’s teeth. This loss can happen for numerous reasons, and through certain lifestyle choices, such as smoking, drinking black coffee, tea or red wine, or from taking certain medications.Through tooth whitening treatment however, patients can achieve a whiter looking smile almost instantaneously. The process of receiving teeth whitening treatment through our dentist in Stevenage here at Smilecraft, involves the use of a specialised peroxide-based whitener which is applied directly to the front of the patient’s teeth within a specialist retainer. This process can result in patients’ self-esteem being vastly boosted, as they can walk out of our practice the same day they walked in, with a heather looking, whiter smile and the self confidence to match.
Clearly ingenuous
Another cosmetic dentistry solution which we provide here at Smilecraft, is the installation of discrete dental aligners such as Six Month Smiles. This is a new method of orthodontic alignment which has increased in popularity massively in recent years, and is often favoured over conventional orthodontics, due to its discrete nature. Six Month Smiles treatment, replaces the needs for conventional orthodontic tools such as brackets and wires, with a removable plastic retainer. This retainer is created using a specialist dental plastic which is chosen due to its uniquely firm, yet malleable consistency. When worn, the retainer uses targeted pressure points within it to slowly move the patients teeth back into their correct position. Each installation of Six Month Smiles is an entirely unique process, as each retainer is made from a mould of each patient’s teeth. As such, when it is worn, the retainer fits so snugly over the patient’s teeth that it becomes practically undetectable. Unlike conventional orthodontics, Six Month Smiles gives patients the power to simultaneously carry out essential orthodontic alignment, and smile at unsuspecting passers by throughout treatment. In addition to this, as the name may suggest, treatment through Six Month Smiles is vastly shorter than conventional methods of orthodontics, and slows patients to achieve the smile they deserve, in as little as six months.