We all like to think we have the ability to look our best whenever we wish, as we are social creatures who like dressing up when we decide to go out of our homes to interact and meet other people. This leads many of us to pay particular attention to the image we project and this may mean we spend some time picking out the perfect clothes, making sure our hair looks clean and tidy, and for some, make-up will also be a big consideration.

One area that a lot of us pay particular attention to is our teeth, as many of us wish to have healthy looking teeth to make our smiles look appealing to others around us. We use our mouths every day of our lives to communicate in both verbal and non-verbal ways. Our smiles are often seen as a powerful way to communicate happiness to others and are heavily associated with the formation of lasting and meaningful relationships.
Many of us strive to find ways that we can gain and maintain white teeth, commonly we use toothpastes that hold some promise of being able to help whiten our teeth, but often the results vary and we may decide to seek a professional method to gain the pearly straight teeth we are looking for.
At Smilecraft we have been helping patients to gain the smile image they are looking for by offering them smile makeovers which allow them to gain the enhanced appearance that they desire. We provide patients with the latest in dental technology and techniques.
A variety of treatments
Smile makeovers are made up of bringing the best practices of several treatments together, commonly including alignment treatment, tooth whitening, and facial aesthetics in the form of lip fillers. Bringing these treatments together allows us to look at your smile in a holistic way, and means we can help to address all the issues you feel you have with your teeth to create the look that you want.
If you are an adult who has misaligned teeth this will be the first condition that we will address, but do not worry that we are necessarily about to make you wear traditional braces on your teeth. It may well be that modern alignment treatments would be more appropriate if you have a mild to moderate misalignment and they are much more discreet. In many cases where adults would benefit from tooth alignment treatment, we would normally recommend a treatment such as Invisalign as it has the ability to hide in plain sight.
If you require tooth whitening, but feel that your life is far too busy to fit in several appointments at our dental practice, then we may recommend at-home treatment for you. You will be provided with a mouth tray and some whitening gel that you apply to the tray before placing it in your mouth, this allows you to take full control and select a time of day that suits you for receiving treatment.
Finally, we may look at reshaping your lips with the use of an injectable cosmetic treatment in the form of a lip filler, this will help to plump out your lips and give them an appealing shape.
To find out more details
If you wish to find out more details about the smile makeovers that we offer, please feel free to contact our dental practice to gain all the information you may require. After all, there is no longer any need for you to live with a smile you are not totally happy with.