Adapting to the times

At Smilecraft, we are a dentist who is completely dedicated to providing care to all those who need it in such a way that they feel comfortable, informed, and safe. We recognise that the recent lockdown measures taken across the country may have caused higher levels of anxiety than normal and has caused many people to refrain from making visits to practices unless it is absolutely necessary. As such, in an attempt to provide dental care to those who are unable to visit our practice, we offer online consultations. For those who are wondering what an e-consultation in Stevenage is, it is a way of digitally examining a patient’s dental wellbeing and working alongside them to create a unique treatment plan.
Benefits of an e-consultation in Stevenage
One of the main benefits of an e-consultation in Stevenage is that patients have time to explain their dental concerns and treatment goals to a professional through an online messaging system. This can be helpful for many patients as they may struggle to properly voice their concerns and wishes during a physical consultation as they have ample time and can carry out their digital consultation at a time and location in which they feel comfortable and relaxed. This ability to choose when they carry out the online consultation is another key appeal for those who are busy working from home and cannot spare any time to visit our practice to carry out a physical consultation.
Six Month Smiles treatment
One of the most common concerns which patients commonly voice during their online consultations is the misalignment of their teeth. Many of the patients who voice concerns about having crooked teeth have refrained from getting their teeth professionally straightened because they are convinced that treatment will vastly affect their outward appearance for as long as twelve months as conventional, fused metal braces often do. However, through treatments such as Six Month Smiles, we can straighten a patient’s teeth in such a way that it yields positive results in just six months – and without having a massively impacting effect on their outward appearance.
How does Six Month Smiles work?
The Six Month Smiles system operates through two different branches of cosmetic orthodontics, with both being tailored to meet the needs set by each individual patient. The first method is ‘Invisible braces’ which are discreet orthodontics which operate in a similar method to conventional braces, only they yield results in a shorter time frame. The ‘invisible’ nature of this method comes from the fact that the brackets used are specifically color-matched to blend in with the patient’s teeth and the wire used is made of transparent plastic and as such is far less visible.
The other alternative Six Month Smiles treatment which we offer here at Smilecraft is the removable retainer method. This alternative method of dental alignment, which doesn’t require anything to be attached to a patient’s teeth, is purely made up of a single transparent retainer. This retainer is made out of a digital impression of every patient’s unique tooth shape and is both transparent and wafer-thin. When worn over the patient’s teeth, the retainer uses pressure points that are built within it to push their teeth together until they are straight.