You’d think that in this day and age that dental decay in kids but would something you only read about in history lessons, but the truth is that even now children in the UK are having to have teeth removed before they are even one year old. The problem is that there’s more sugar than ever before in the food our kids eat, and not everyone is taking their children to the dentist.
At Smilecraft, we recommend that you bring in your children to see us from an early age. Make that first appointment for soon after their teeth start to appear. When you bring your children in this young, it helps to familiarise your child with the dentist in Stevenage environment and what goes on here. You can even bring them along to your own appointment, or that of a sibling. That way they get to see that having a dental check-up is normal and they will soon cotton on as, young kids love watching and copying what they see.
These early visits to the dentist in Stevenage help your child to see the staff here as friendly faces and they will look forward to seeing us and we will look forward to seeing how good they are at brushing their teeth. These little interchanges will build up trust, so that when we need to step in and deal with a problem, your child won’t be scared. Fluoride varnish and fissure sealant will help to strengthen children’s teeth and protect them from tooth decay.
Of course, catching problems early also takes a lot of the stress out of the experience for you and your child. You don’t like to see your child scared or in pain, any more than they like being scared or in pain, and these situations can be easily avoided with regular check-ups.
When your child sees our hygienist, they can learn about a healthy diet, tooth brushing, and looking after their smile, all delivered in an age-appropriate, fun, and engaging manner.
Establishing good oral health habits, including regular visits to the dentist in Stevenage, at an early stage, will help to set your child up with good dental health for life.