When do you need to see the dentist in Stevenage?

There are a number of reasons to see the dentist in Stevenage at Smilecraft. We create a welcoming environment that encourages you to visit whenever you need to. Even if you have anxiety around visiting the dentist, our team is here to help you overcome your worries and take good care of your teeth.


Prevention is better than cure when it comes to your oral health. If you see your dentist in Stevenage regularly, you increase your chances of avoiding extensive dental work in the future. You may feel like your teeth are fine, but there may be underlying issues that you cannot detect yet that your dental practitioner can spot and treat before they become anything more serious.

Booking regular appointments also helps to avoid large gaps in your oral healthcare routine because you simply don’t get round to it. Life is busy and some people do not find time to fit in their dental visits even if they do suspect that there is something wrong. It can be easier to keep an appointment that is already made than it is to prioritise making a new one.

When you have a problem

If you do begin to experience any issues, you can make an appointment to see the dentist in Stevenage at Smilecraft as soon as possible. We can often address issues with a simple treatment, clean and polish, advice or repair. Common dental issues include:

  • Sores
  • Toothache
  • Bad breath
  • Gum disease
  • Bleeding

You may also have emergency dental needs in the event of an accident, acute health condition or bleeding. In an emergency, we aim to see you on the same day that you call us at Smilecraft.

When you want to

Not all visits to the dentist are driven by necessity. There are some treatments that you can elect to have to improve the appearance of your teeth. At Smilecraft we have an extensive range of cosmetic procedures for you to browse. We have confidence in our ability to create such a comfortable environment for you at our practice that you will be happy to visit for a treat as well as to look after your teeth.